Now Go Have a Beer!
Wisconsin NewsAs the Wisconsin columnist for Great Lakes Brewing News, I manage to stay informed about what's brewing in Wisconsin. I'll be converting my columns (including the parts that don't fit in the paper!) to post here. May 2000 (for June/July issue) Wisconsin Winners at World Beer Cup 2000Judging for World Beer Cup 2000 was done in April, the two days right before the Craft Brewers Conference. Ten craft breweries and regional breweries from Wisconsin won awards. (There were also three Wisconsin macrobrewery names winning entries, for a total of 13 Wisconsin winners--more than any other state in the US and more than any other country in the world.) Although the awards were decided in April and the winning brewers notified, the specific awards (gold, silver, bronze) are being kept secret until the awards banquet in June. But here is a list of the 10 winning craft and regional breweries and the beers (i.e., the "finalists") the judges chose. (I will post medal status after it is announced.) Congratulations! Craft breweries and brewpubs (7): Regionals
(3): BEST
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