Now go have a beer!
Calendar of eventsFebruary 200027 Big and Huge Homebrew Competition. Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild's competition for high-gravity beers. BJCP and other judges will evaluate beers according to style and give awards in five classifications: Big Ales and Big Lagers (OG: 1.050-1.060), Huge Ales and Huge Lagers (OG >1.060), and Ciders/Meads. Wonder's Pub, 1980 Atwood Avenue. Check-in at 12N. sklafka@execpc.comMarch 20003 Urban Knaves of Grain Drunk Monk Challenge. AHA Sanctioned Competition, Warrenville, IL. Contact organiser before sending entries past deadline (27 Feb). Entryfee: $5 each/1-4 entries, ($4 each for 5 or more) Contact Steve McKenna at 630.305.0554 (h) or 12 Blessing of the Bock. A classic Wisconsin beer festival that started in a church basement. It's gotten bigger since then, but the event still begins with an official beer blessing by a local priest and a memorial ceremony to Vietnam War veterans. (Homebrewed bock competition on the 11th.) Read more about this NGHAB-featured event. Serb Hall, Milwaukee. $25 in advance, $30 at the door, $20 group rate. 18 Wine and Hop Shop Saint-Patrick's Stout Contest. Madison's longtime local homebrew shop continues a tradition with the stout contest. Beers are judged by a panel of certified judges, but the crowd also joins in for a people's choice award. Even if you don't brew, stop by to taste small samples of about 30 stouts and enjoy the music, food, and microbrew. Italian Workmen's Club, Regent Street. 608.257.0099. 23-25 Real Ale Festival. Sample real ale from Britain and the States and attend seminars on cask conditioned beers. Goose Island Wrigleyville branch. Chicago. Check web site for schedule of tastings and other events. More events to come. Send your listings in approximately the format shown above (plain text only) for consideration for the calendar. |
22 February 2000
"Now go have a beer" Paolino