Now go have a beer!
HomebrewingI'll be providing information on homebrewing techniques, homebrew shops, and homebrew clubs here. For now, here are a few sources: American Homebrewers Association. The name says what you think it does. HBD.ORG. Anyone who has been homebrewing for a reasonable amount of time knows that HBD is the Homebrew Digest, an email list that allows subscribers to post their questions and allows other subscribers to post their answers. It's a wealth of information. You get the good advice right along with the bad, but the discussion is often lively. What some homebrewers may not know is that HBD.ORG also hosts websites for homebrewing clubs. If you're looking for a club to join in your area, between the AHA and HBD you'll probably find one. Of course, this page would not be complete without a mention of the Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild (MHTG) Click the link on the left.
22 February 2000
"Now go have a beer" Paolino